John Wiercioch

Born in Detroit, Michigan (1961), John Wiercioch earned a BA at UI at South Bend and an MFA from Radford University. After working in art museums for 15 years, he closed that career as the Director of Education at the Art Museum of Western Virginia (Roanoke, Va). In 2000, Wiercioch founded Roanoke Masterworks, a custom wall finish company, John continues to reside in Roanoke, VA today.

In addition to the visual arts, Wiercioch enjoys writing and traveling, with a special fondness for Kenya. His art is influenced by jazz music but takes primary creative inspiration from the natural world.

Academically trained in figure studies from life, he initially focused on plein-air landscapes but for several decades now, has enjoyed the challenge of conveying feelings, and revealing presence within abstraction. He likens his paintings to songs without words, using the dynamics of scale, texture, line, and color as his means and vocabulary.